Dear SI Member
You are holding a revived version of our newsletter in your hand. This publication is one of three components of the online presence of the SI 2.0. The other two are the (static) homepage and the online magazine respectively. Owing to WordPress technology, the new magazine invites our members to actively participate in the form of reader’s
comments, forum discussions, tweets, or authoring articles. I invite you to make extensive use of this opportunity and to give new meaning to our slogan of “vernetzt sein, dabei sein, weiterkommen”.
Unbelievable: Until recently, every single issue of the “Informatik Spektrum” went to print on a full five tons of paper. Considering the state of modern e-reading technology, such physical printing appears outdated and as a huge waste of resources. Jointly with our sister association GI, we have therefore decided to put all our stakes on the
online version of the Spektrum and to fade out the paper version. Springer supports this step with a new push-mail distribution policy replacing the previous, rather awkward token system.
I wish you an inspiring and enjoyable reading (and interacting) experience, your
Jürg Gutknecht