The SI organises two Evening Talks and invites knowledgeable contributors to discuss hot topics and other timely issues related to IT. It is all about interesting debates, networking and a delicious Apéro to close the evening!
SI Evening Talk on the New Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (nFDPA): Application and impact for citizens and enterprises.
Thursday 20th October 2022, starting 17:00 (online event)
Our guest speakers will be:
Thomas Steiner, Dr. iur., LL.M., Attorney at Law, Senior Advisor/Partner
“New Swiss FDPA: What IT professionals need to know and how they can contribute to operationalizing compliance”
Pascale Schwerzmann-Saluz, MLaw, Executive MBS HSG
Technical Specialist for Risk Management & Compliance, Microsoft Switzerland
“Achieving Resilience through Cloud Technology”
A New Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (nFDPA) will enter into force on September 1, 2023. Our keynote speaker, Thomas Steiner will provide an overview of the key requirements and implementation measures as well as the likely impact for businesses and individuals. The presentation will focus on areas that are particularly relevant to IT professionals and will offer practical guidance on how IT professionals can support their organization’s operationalization of compliance with the nFDPA. He will be joined by Pascale Schwerzmann-Saluz who will share her views from the industry on “Achieving Resilience through Cloud Technology”.
Talks (in English) will be moderated by SI Board Member, Nora Sleumer.
Participation is free, please register HERE.
SI Evening Talk: Data for the Benefit of the Patient
Tuesday 29th November 2022, starting 17:30 (physical event), iSolutions AG, Zürich

Our guest speakers will be:
Dr. Elke Mittendorf, Data Governance Manager, Universitätspital Zürich
How can we govern data use and capture – in the interest of patients
Prof. em. Dr. Ernst Hafen, ETH
Data to the People – Towards a people-centred health data ecosystem
Dr.Carsen Danzer, Innovation Delivery Lead, Healthcare Industry
Let’s enable a sustainable health care business for humans!
The use of patient data is a controversial topic. The main question is: Why is it so complicated to leverage patient data in order to improve care pathways? Huge opportunities emerge through the use of patient health and disease data. However, it is extremely difficult to materialize value from such data. Is the root cause legislation like GDPR, data governance impairment, data interoperability impairment, wrong financial incentivations, non machine readable based documentation or are the expectations and promises not realistic? The usage of data can be in the context of research, medical treatment as well as administrative tasks. Overall, it can improve outcomes and reduce the financial burden of health services to the society. We open the discussion and would like to invite you to debate how patient data should be used.
Talks (in English) will be moderated by SI Board Member, Iris Zeyda.
Participation is free, please register HERE.
For more information, please contact us at: