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SI General Assembly 2022

SI News GraphicOn May 12, 2022, SI has held its annual general assembly.



The main topics were:
–  The election/re-election of the president and the SI Board,
–  The legally required topics (such as the annual reports by the president and the treasurer, discharge of the board and approving the budget),
–  A discussion about changing the statutes of SI with respect to election procedures.

The new SI Board for the period 2022-2024 consists of:
Francis Baud (president), Ulrike Glavitsch, Martin Glinz, Raymond Morel, Simon Moser, Edy Portmann, René Schumann, Nora Sleumer (vice-president), Thomas Stricker and Iris Zeyda.

The next annual general assembly will be held on May 11, 2023.

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The Swiss Informatics Society SI is the association of Informatics professionals in Switzerland.

Die Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft SI ist der Verband der Informatikfachleute in der Schweiz.

La Société Suisse d’Informatique SI est l’association des professionnels de l’informatique en Suisse.

La Società Svizzera di Informatica SI è l’associazione dei professionisti dell’informatica in Svizzera.