Technology Outlook is an event held annually by the Swiss Informatics Society SI in collaboration with the Austrian Future Network. It is dedicated to society-relevant IT themes and megatrends, and in particular to the opportunities, challenges, and risks to be faced by the future information society.
The 2016 issue of the Technology Outlook was hosted under the name of “Digital Society in the Future” by ETH Zürich at the Audimax on September 30. Topics presented and discussed by international experts from Academia and Industry included Democracy 2.0, Aufklärung 2.0, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, and Fintech.
Political implications of these topics, in particular including balancing security vs. privacy were discussed in depth at a round-table with participants from Academia, Industry and Politics. A detailed report of the Technology Outlook 2016 event can be found on in the PDF reader below:
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