Two students from the Swiss team won bronze at the 30th Central-European Olympiad in Informatics (CEOI 2023).
Yaël Arn (Gymnasium Bäumlihof BS) and Elias Bauer (Kollegium St. Fidelis NW) won bronze medals with ranks 19 and 24, respectively. The other two members of the Swiss team were Andrej Ševera and Jovian Soejono. They achieved ranks 31 and 36, respectively. 48 students from 11 countries participated in CEOI 2023. CEOI 2023 took place August 14-18, 2023 in Magdeburg, Germany.

The Swiss team at CEOI 2023 (from left): Elias Bauer, Andrej Ševera, Jovian Soejono, Yaël Arn.
Photo: Johannes Kapfhammer
The contest consisted of two five-hour sessions. In each session the participants were given three problems packed into small stories. For example, one task involved using virtual ties to mark the way to a safe containing the medals, similar to the breadcrumbs in Hansel and Gretel. To solve these tasks, the participants had to design efficient algorithms and then implement them.
CEOI 2023 in Magdeburg
Swiss Olympiad in Informatics (SOI)
SOI Media Communication about the Swiss team at CEEOI 2023 (in German)