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Balzert Award 2024 Ceremony

Balzert Award 2024

The 2024 Helmut and Heide Balzert Award for outstanding contributions to the teaching and the didactics of Informatics has been given Wolfgang Pfeffer and Tobias Fuchs. Award ceremony on September 24, 2024 in Wiesbaden, Germany From left to right: Ulrike

Helmar Burkhart †2023

Former SI President Helmar Burkhart Has Passed Away

SI mourns the loss of its former president, Helmar Burkhart, who passed away on December 17, 2023, at the age of 72. He was a professor of High-Performance and Web Computing at the University of Basel from 1987 to 2016

SI 40th Anniversary Celebration

This year, SI celebrates its 40th anniversary with a gala event for its members on November 17 in Bern. While Switzerland was among the pioneers in Computer Science research in Europe and Swiss companies were among the early adopters of

The Swiss Team at the 3rd European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics

Swiss students win at the European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics

Swiss students were highly successful at the third European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics (EGOI). Jasmin Studer (Gymnasium Lerbermatt, BE) from Erlach, Switzerland, made it to 10th place out of 186 participants. For this achievement, she received a gold medal, an

SI Logo

New SI Board Members Elected

During its general assembly of May 11, 2023, two new board members of the Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft (SI) were elected: Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Full Professor at the University of Geneva and Director of Centre Universitaire d’Informatique (CUI), and Kurt Munter,

Balzert Award Ceremony

Balzert Award 2022

This year’s Helmut and Heide Balzert Award for outstanding contributions to the teaching and the Didactics of Informatics has been given to Stefan Seegerer. Award ceremony on September 29, 2022 in HamburgMiddle: the award winner Stefan Seegerer.From left to right:

GI Dissertation Award ceremony

GI Dissertation Award for 2021

This year’s GI Dissertation Award has been given to three PhD students who have defended their thesis in 2021. Award ceremony on September 29, 2022 in HamburgMiddle, from left: the winners Markus Hecher, Moritz Lipp and Alejandro Molina Ramirez. Left:

SI Logo

New SI Board Members Elected

On its general assembly of May 12, 2022, the Swiss Informatics Society SI has elected/re-elected its board and president for a two-year term (2022-2024).   Francis Baud has been re-elected as president of SI. Nora Sleumer and Iris Zeyda have

SI News Graphic

Become a Member of SI Networking As an SI member, you are part of a respected and active network of computer scientists and  IT professionals. As a member of SI you are able to join  one or more of the SI Special Interest Groups (SIG). Events Members receive invitations to SI’s

Key Image: Gefärliche Mathmatik

Dangerous mathematics?

Algorithms are ubiquitous in our society. They automate human thought and decision processes with the help of mathematical formulas. But how rational are these data-based decisions? And how do we distinguish useful from dangerous algorithms? The topic of “artificial intelligence”

Swiss Digital Finance Conference

The Swiss Digital Finance Conference!

Since 2016, the Swiss Informatics Society has been co-organizing the Swiss Digital Finance Conference at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) as part of a partnership. Prof. Dr. Georges Grivas from the HSLU is responsible for the

Digital sovereignty for a secure future in the cyber age

Digital sovereignty is increasingly recognized as a success factor in the cyber-dominated age. The pandemic makes us very aware of the opportunities and, at the same time, the extreme dependence on IT technologies. As a spokesperson for the GI Economic

Documenting and Preserving Heritage Creatively

News Digital Heritage SIG In 2018, the Digital Heritage SIG organised an exhibition with the Zurich artist Peter Grenacher focusing on his research with the Ishango Bone, which was presented in the ETH Zurich and seen by several hundreds visitors.

SI News Graphic

Editorial for the autumn issue 2020

Dear SI members, Dear SIDM readers, The spotlight of this issue of Swiss Digital Magazine features two articles on hot topics, albeit seemingly independent of each other. The first of the two spotlight articles explores the question of why computer

SI News Graphic

SI In Review: A Report

The Swiss Informatics Society (SI) faced several challenges in the past year. Some of them were mastered very successfully; while others remain a burden to the future. All though the Covid-19 crisis and the certification business provided SI with real

Swiss Digital Summit 2020

About the Swiss Digital Summit 2020 The Swiss Informatics association SI promotes information technology, “in Switzerland in research and in practice. With a membership of almost 2000 individuals and collectives the SI is the largest association for IT professionalism in

SI News Graphic

SI General Assembly 2020

Due to the present restraints on the number of persons that are permitted to assemble is limited, and due to the possibility that this number could change in the near future, this year’s General Assembly will take place as a

SI News Graphic

Swiss IFIP Committee Seeks Applications

The Swiss IFIP Committee seeks applications for Swiss representatives in the following IFIP Technical Committees: – TC 8  (Information Systems) – TC 9  (ICT and Society) – TC 10 (Computer Systems Technology) Please find details about IFIP, its Technical Committees


Niklaus Wirth Young Computer Science Award 2019

Das Hauptgebäude der ETH Zürich war am 24. Mai 2019 der Austragungsort für die Verleihung des Niklaus Wirth Young Computer Science Award für die besten Maturitätsarbeiten im Fach Informatik. Am festlichen Anlass wurden in Anwesenheit von rund 100 Personen (Teilnehmerinnen

Yannic_Maus-Hannes und Federrath

Yannic Maus erhält GI-Dissertationspreis 2019

Dr. Yannic Maus erhält den mit 5.000 Euro dotierten Dissertationspreis der Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft (SI), der Österreichischen Computergesellschaft (OCG) und der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) Gemeinsam mit der Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft (SI) und der Österreichischen Computergesellschaft (OCG) vergibt die

SI-PROFESSIONAL: Neue Zertifizierung

Die letzten Testläufe waren erfolgreich, die Feinarbeiten sind abgeschlossen. Interessierte Unternehmen und Personalvermittler finden auf der Website weitere Informationen. In einer ersten Stufe wird es die Produktvarianten «Kompetenz-Check» und «Vollzertifikat » als Enterprise-Angebote für Unternehmen und Personaldienstleister geben. In einem

Schweizer Tag der sicheren Digitalisierung

Erfahrene Experten zeigen Ihnen an dem Anlass “Schweizer Tag der sicheren Digitalisierung: Strategien und Implementierung sicherer Cloud-Anwendunge” wie sie Risiken bei Cloud-Einsätzen einschätzen und daraus die notwendigen Schutzmassnahmen ableiten und umsetzen können. Eröffnungs-Keynote hat der Nationalrat Franz Grüter, Vizepräsident ICT

Ethnic App Key Image

Ethica: Spinoza Without Obstacle

In the preface to his Ethics, the philosopher Benedict de Spinoza (1632-1677) wrote: “I shall consider human actions and desires in exactly the same manner, as though I were concerned with lines, planes, and solids.” Published in Latin in 1677,

SI News Graphic

Minisymposium: «Digitalisierung, Werte und internationale Zusammenarbeit»

Minisymposium: «Digitization, values and international cooperation» The Business Department of the Bern University of Applied Sciences will hold a mini conference focusing on the theme of Digital Transformation during this year’s General Assembly of the Swiss Informatics Society. Although compact in size,


Swiss IFIP – SIC: Invitation for Nominations

The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)  is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation for national societies working in the field of information processing. It was established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO after the first World Computer Congress held in

News: SGAICO matters

In the last years Jana Koehler was a leading figure behind SGAICO and lead the group with a lot of engagement and enthusiasm. Starting in  February, 2019, Jana will be acting as CEO at the DFKI, the German Research Institute

SI News Graphic

Happy Digital Transformation in 2019!!

Alle reden mit, wenn es um die digitale Transformation geht! Nur von den IT-Ingenieuren, Wirtschaftsinformatikern und IT-Fachspezialisten hört man recht wenig. Manch eine/einer von uns muss gar den Tiefschlag erlebean gerade deshalb als unglaubwürdig abgetan zu werden, weil sie/er IT-Fachexpertise


Report: 2nd Presidents Conference 2018

On the 6th of December, the 2nd yearly Presidents Conference took place at ETH Zurich. Looking back over the past four conferences that have been organised by the SI eOffice, it was great  to see that participation has not only

A2 Logos

Schweizer Technologie in der Schweiz verwenden

Die Fachgruppe Industry Controller der SI hatte die Möglichkeit am Swiss Digital Summit ein Beispiel der Schweizer Technologie zu präsentieren. An der Lunch Show konnten mehrere Interessierte eine Ausprägung des A2 swiss industry controllers der Firma Radiar, Dr. J. Sedlacek

SI News Graphic

2nd Annual SI Presidents Conference 2018

The Presidents Conference takes place twice a year and is the opportunity for SIG presidents to network amongst themselves and to update the SI community on their activities. The program for the event encompasses a variety of subjects ranging from

Green IT Logo

GreenIT SIG names Andreas Schläpfer as President

After 8 years as president of the Green IT Special Interest Group of the Swiss Informatics Society,  Niklaus Meyer has  decided to step down and to hand over the responsibility to Andreas Schläpfer. Andreas has been successfully running the Green

CeBIT 2018

Die CEBIT 2018 auf neuem Pfad

Um neuen Schwung in die traditionsreiche I T-Messe in Hannover zu bekommen, wurde der Schwerpunkt auf die Kombination IT mit Unterhaltung für die Allgemeinheit gelegt. Ersichtlich war dies an den vier Bereichen d!tech Kontakt-Orte für Entwickler, Investoren, Gründer, Wissenschafter und

Game Festival

Ludicious – Zürich, Fokus der Game-Welt

Die weltweite Game-Szene traf sich in Zürich zum 4. Game-Festival. Wo? Da wo früher Kanonen, Karabiner und Uniformen der Schweizer-Armee gelagert wurden, im Zeughaus Zürich. Im Gegensatz zu früher gewann man in den alten Hallen zwischen all den Gamern einen

Technology Outlook at ETH Zurich

The Technology Outlook has established itself as an annual symposium of the Swiss Informatics Society. It traditionally takes up socially relevant topics of digitization in the context of the megatrends virtualization, personalization, automation, big data, etc. and discusses their long-term,

SI News Graphic

The Special Interest Groups of Swiss Informatics Society

It was at the SI’s Foundation Meeting 20 October 1983 that the establishment of the very first special interest group (SIG) was proposed, the Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (SGAICO). Six years later, in 1989, the president

Schweizer Informatik-Olympiade 2017

Die Schweizer Informatik-Olympiade SOI

Die Schweizer Informatik-Olympiade SOI ist ein Programmierwettbewerb für Jugendliche aus der Schweiz und dem Fürstentum Liechtenstein. Die Olympiade will wissenschaftlich interessierte und begabte Schülerinnen und Schüler fördern und ermutigen. Der nationale Wettbewerb fand bereits zum 27. Mal statt und wurde

E-Conomy Avatar 150*150

Um was geht es bei E-CONOMY?

The specialist group E-CONOMY deals with the effects of the rapid digitalization of our society on our economy and the current and future participants. Our society has already mastered revolutions through machines, electricity and computers in the best possible way.

SI News Graphic

Editorial Newsletter Winter 2017

Dear SI Member You are holding a revived version of our newsletter in your hand. This publication is one of three components of the online presence of the SI 2.0. The other two are the (static) homepage and the online

SI in 2017!

End of Year Message 2016

Dear Members of the SI! Year end „Viele sind hartnäckig in Bezug auf den einmal eingeschlagenen Weg, wenige in Bezug auf das Ziel.“ Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900 Liebe SI Mitglieder Im Bewusstsein, dass unsere Gesellschaft ganz wesentlich von Eurer Mitarbeit in

Conference Learning

What is SIRA?

SIRA is a non-profit association with the goals of fostering national and international collaboration within the ICT research community and of promoting the visibility and recognition of research and advanced education in ICT and its related fields performed in Switzerland.

SciencEmotion | Technik für Jugendliche

sciencEmotion oder wie werden Wissenschaft und Technik für Jugendliche attraktiv? Wie gelingt es, Jugendliche im Alter von 12-21 für technische Themen und Berufswege zu begeistern? Diese Fragen stellen sich heute viele Unternehmen und Initiativen. Das Projekt sciencEmotion der HTW Chur

Image It and Culture

Introducing the Digital Arts SI Special Interest Group

The Digital Arts Special Interest Group focuses on the application of digital technology in the arts and offers insight into current research and innovations in art and technology as well as illustrating resulting synergies during its events, making artists aware

SI News Graphic

Editorial Fall 2016

Dear Members of the SI the „society“ is an important stakeholder to every professional association and in particular to SI, for a variety of reasons: In our information era, the image of something has become a decisive factor of how this

Technology Outlook and Megatrends – A Review

Technology Outlook is an event held annually by the Swiss Informatics Society SI in collaboration with the Austrian Future Network. It is dedicated to society-relevant IT themes and megatrends, and in particular to the opportunities, challenges, and risks to be

SI @ CeBIT 2016 – Swiss Pavillon

Die CeBIT in Hannover ist mit über 200’000 Besucher und tausenden von Ausstellern die weltweit größte Messe für Informationstechnik. Dieses Jahr war die Schweiz das offizielle Gastland, über 60 Schweizerfirmen präsentierten ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen im von ICT Switzerland organisierten

SI News Graphic

Information – The Oil of the 21. Century

“Information is the oil of the 21Sst century“ is the metaphoric way the Gartner Group uses to explain the fact that in the modern digital society, Information owns an inherent value. Indeed, the metaphor mediates a second, even hotter message,

Balzert Award 2024 Ceremony

Balzert Award 2024

The 2024 Helmut and Heide Balzert Award for outstanding contributions to the teaching and the didactics of Informatics has been given Wolfgang Pfeffer and Tobias Fuchs. Award ceremony on September 24, 2024 in Wiesbaden, Germany From left to right: Ulrike

Helmar Burkhart †2023

Former SI President Helmar Burkhart Has Passed Away

SI mourns the loss of its former president, Helmar Burkhart, who passed away on December 17, 2023, at the age of 72. He was a professor of High-Performance and Web Computing at the University of Basel from 1987 to 2016

SI 40th Anniversary Celebration

This year, SI celebrates its 40th anniversary with a gala event for its members on November 17 in Bern. While Switzerland was among the pioneers in Computer Science research in Europe and Swiss companies were among the early adopters of

The Swiss Team at the 3rd European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics

Swiss students win at the European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics

Swiss students were highly successful at the third European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics (EGOI). Jasmin Studer (Gymnasium Lerbermatt, BE) from Erlach, Switzerland, made it to 10th place out of 186 participants. For this achievement, she received a gold medal, an

SI Logo

New SI Board Members Elected

During its general assembly of May 11, 2023, two new board members of the Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft (SI) were elected: Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Full Professor at the University of Geneva and Director of Centre Universitaire d’Informatique (CUI), and Kurt Munter,

Balzert Award Ceremony

Balzert Award 2022

This year’s Helmut and Heide Balzert Award for outstanding contributions to the teaching and the Didactics of Informatics has been given to Stefan Seegerer. Award ceremony on September 29, 2022 in HamburgMiddle: the award winner Stefan Seegerer.From left to right:

GI Dissertation Award ceremony

GI Dissertation Award for 2021

This year’s GI Dissertation Award has been given to three PhD students who have defended their thesis in 2021. Award ceremony on September 29, 2022 in HamburgMiddle, from left: the winners Markus Hecher, Moritz Lipp and Alejandro Molina Ramirez. Left:

SI Logo

New SI Board Members Elected

On its general assembly of May 12, 2022, the Swiss Informatics Society SI has elected/re-elected its board and president for a two-year term (2022-2024).   Francis Baud has been re-elected as president of SI. Nora Sleumer and Iris Zeyda have

SI News Graphic

Become a Member of SI Networking As an SI member, you are part of a respected and active network of computer scientists and  IT professionals. As a member of SI you are able to join  one or more of the SI Special Interest Groups (SIG). Events Members receive invitations to SI’s

Key Image: Gefärliche Mathmatik

Dangerous mathematics?

Algorithms are ubiquitous in our society. They automate human thought and decision processes with the help of mathematical formulas. But how rational are these data-based decisions? And how do we distinguish useful from dangerous algorithms? The topic of “artificial intelligence”

Swiss Digital Finance Conference

The Swiss Digital Finance Conference!

Since 2016, the Swiss Informatics Society has been co-organizing the Swiss Digital Finance Conference at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) as part of a partnership. Prof. Dr. Georges Grivas from the HSLU is responsible for the

Digital sovereignty for a secure future in the cyber age

Digital sovereignty is increasingly recognized as a success factor in the cyber-dominated age. The pandemic makes us very aware of the opportunities and, at the same time, the extreme dependence on IT technologies. As a spokesperson for the GI Economic

Documenting and Preserving Heritage Creatively

News Digital Heritage SIG In 2018, the Digital Heritage SIG organised an exhibition with the Zurich artist Peter Grenacher focusing on his research with the Ishango Bone, which was presented in the ETH Zurich and seen by several hundreds visitors.

SI News Graphic

Editorial for the autumn issue 2020

Dear SI members, Dear SIDM readers, The spotlight of this issue of Swiss Digital Magazine features two articles on hot topics, albeit seemingly independent of each other. The first of the two spotlight articles explores the question of why computer

SI News Graphic

SI In Review: A Report

The Swiss Informatics Society (SI) faced several challenges in the past year. Some of them were mastered very successfully; while others remain a burden to the future. All though the Covid-19 crisis and the certification business provided SI with real

Swiss Digital Summit 2020

About the Swiss Digital Summit 2020 The Swiss Informatics association SI promotes information technology, “in Switzerland in research and in practice. With a membership of almost 2000 individuals and collectives the SI is the largest association for IT professionalism in

SI News Graphic

SI General Assembly 2020

Due to the present restraints on the number of persons that are permitted to assemble is limited, and due to the possibility that this number could change in the near future, this year’s General Assembly will take place as a

SI News Graphic

Swiss IFIP Committee Seeks Applications

The Swiss IFIP Committee seeks applications for Swiss representatives in the following IFIP Technical Committees: – TC 8  (Information Systems) – TC 9  (ICT and Society) – TC 10 (Computer Systems Technology) Please find details about IFIP, its Technical Committees


Niklaus Wirth Young Computer Science Award 2019

Das Hauptgebäude der ETH Zürich war am 24. Mai 2019 der Austragungsort für die Verleihung des Niklaus Wirth Young Computer Science Award für die besten Maturitätsarbeiten im Fach Informatik. Am festlichen Anlass wurden in Anwesenheit von rund 100 Personen (Teilnehmerinnen

Yannic_Maus-Hannes und Federrath

Yannic Maus erhält GI-Dissertationspreis 2019

Dr. Yannic Maus erhält den mit 5.000 Euro dotierten Dissertationspreis der Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft (SI), der Österreichischen Computergesellschaft (OCG) und der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) Gemeinsam mit der Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft (SI) und der Österreichischen Computergesellschaft (OCG) vergibt die

SI-PROFESSIONAL: Neue Zertifizierung

Die letzten Testläufe waren erfolgreich, die Feinarbeiten sind abgeschlossen. Interessierte Unternehmen und Personalvermittler finden auf der Website weitere Informationen. In einer ersten Stufe wird es die Produktvarianten «Kompetenz-Check» und «Vollzertifikat » als Enterprise-Angebote für Unternehmen und Personaldienstleister geben. In einem

Schweizer Tag der sicheren Digitalisierung

Erfahrene Experten zeigen Ihnen an dem Anlass “Schweizer Tag der sicheren Digitalisierung: Strategien und Implementierung sicherer Cloud-Anwendunge” wie sie Risiken bei Cloud-Einsätzen einschätzen und daraus die notwendigen Schutzmassnahmen ableiten und umsetzen können. Eröffnungs-Keynote hat der Nationalrat Franz Grüter, Vizepräsident ICT

Ethnic App Key Image

Ethica: Spinoza Without Obstacle

In the preface to his Ethics, the philosopher Benedict de Spinoza (1632-1677) wrote: “I shall consider human actions and desires in exactly the same manner, as though I were concerned with lines, planes, and solids.” Published in Latin in 1677,

SI News Graphic

Minisymposium: «Digitalisierung, Werte und internationale Zusammenarbeit»

Minisymposium: «Digitization, values and international cooperation» The Business Department of the Bern University of Applied Sciences will hold a mini conference focusing on the theme of Digital Transformation during this year’s General Assembly of the Swiss Informatics Society. Although compact in size,


Swiss IFIP – SIC: Invitation for Nominations

The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)  is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation for national societies working in the field of information processing. It was established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO after the first World Computer Congress held in

News: SGAICO matters

In the last years Jana Koehler was a leading figure behind SGAICO and lead the group with a lot of engagement and enthusiasm. Starting in  February, 2019, Jana will be acting as CEO at the DFKI, the German Research Institute

SI News Graphic

Happy Digital Transformation in 2019!!

Alle reden mit, wenn es um die digitale Transformation geht! Nur von den IT-Ingenieuren, Wirtschaftsinformatikern und IT-Fachspezialisten hört man recht wenig. Manch eine/einer von uns muss gar den Tiefschlag erlebean gerade deshalb als unglaubwürdig abgetan zu werden, weil sie/er IT-Fachexpertise


Report: 2nd Presidents Conference 2018

On the 6th of December, the 2nd yearly Presidents Conference took place at ETH Zurich. Looking back over the past four conferences that have been organised by the SI eOffice, it was great  to see that participation has not only

A2 Logos

Schweizer Technologie in der Schweiz verwenden

Die Fachgruppe Industry Controller der SI hatte die Möglichkeit am Swiss Digital Summit ein Beispiel der Schweizer Technologie zu präsentieren. An der Lunch Show konnten mehrere Interessierte eine Ausprägung des A2 swiss industry controllers der Firma Radiar, Dr. J. Sedlacek

SI News Graphic

2nd Annual SI Presidents Conference 2018

The Presidents Conference takes place twice a year and is the opportunity for SIG presidents to network amongst themselves and to update the SI community on their activities. The program for the event encompasses a variety of subjects ranging from

Green IT Logo

GreenIT SIG names Andreas Schläpfer as President

After 8 years as president of the Green IT Special Interest Group of the Swiss Informatics Society,  Niklaus Meyer has  decided to step down and to hand over the responsibility to Andreas Schläpfer. Andreas has been successfully running the Green

CeBIT 2018

Die CEBIT 2018 auf neuem Pfad

Um neuen Schwung in die traditionsreiche I T-Messe in Hannover zu bekommen, wurde der Schwerpunkt auf die Kombination IT mit Unterhaltung für die Allgemeinheit gelegt. Ersichtlich war dies an den vier Bereichen d!tech Kontakt-Orte für Entwickler, Investoren, Gründer, Wissenschafter und

Game Festival

Ludicious – Zürich, Fokus der Game-Welt

Die weltweite Game-Szene traf sich in Zürich zum 4. Game-Festival. Wo? Da wo früher Kanonen, Karabiner und Uniformen der Schweizer-Armee gelagert wurden, im Zeughaus Zürich. Im Gegensatz zu früher gewann man in den alten Hallen zwischen all den Gamern einen

Technology Outlook at ETH Zurich

The Technology Outlook has established itself as an annual symposium of the Swiss Informatics Society. It traditionally takes up socially relevant topics of digitization in the context of the megatrends virtualization, personalization, automation, big data, etc. and discusses their long-term,

SI News Graphic

The Special Interest Groups of Swiss Informatics Society

It was at the SI’s Foundation Meeting 20 October 1983 that the establishment of the very first special interest group (SIG) was proposed, the Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (SGAICO). Six years later, in 1989, the president

Schweizer Informatik-Olympiade 2017

Die Schweizer Informatik-Olympiade SOI

Die Schweizer Informatik-Olympiade SOI ist ein Programmierwettbewerb für Jugendliche aus der Schweiz und dem Fürstentum Liechtenstein. Die Olympiade will wissenschaftlich interessierte und begabte Schülerinnen und Schüler fördern und ermutigen. Der nationale Wettbewerb fand bereits zum 27. Mal statt und wurde

E-Conomy Avatar 150*150

Um was geht es bei E-CONOMY?

The specialist group E-CONOMY deals with the effects of the rapid digitalization of our society on our economy and the current and future participants. Our society has already mastered revolutions through machines, electricity and computers in the best possible way.

SI News Graphic

Editorial Newsletter Winter 2017

Dear SI Member You are holding a revived version of our newsletter in your hand. This publication is one of three components of the online presence of the SI 2.0. The other two are the (static) homepage and the online

SI in 2017!

End of Year Message 2016

Dear Members of the SI! Year end „Viele sind hartnäckig in Bezug auf den einmal eingeschlagenen Weg, wenige in Bezug auf das Ziel.“ Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900 Liebe SI Mitglieder Im Bewusstsein, dass unsere Gesellschaft ganz wesentlich von Eurer Mitarbeit in

Conference Learning

What is SIRA?

SIRA is a non-profit association with the goals of fostering national and international collaboration within the ICT research community and of promoting the visibility and recognition of research and advanced education in ICT and its related fields performed in Switzerland.

SciencEmotion | Technik für Jugendliche

sciencEmotion oder wie werden Wissenschaft und Technik für Jugendliche attraktiv? Wie gelingt es, Jugendliche im Alter von 12-21 für technische Themen und Berufswege zu begeistern? Diese Fragen stellen sich heute viele Unternehmen und Initiativen. Das Projekt sciencEmotion der HTW Chur

Image It and Culture

Introducing the Digital Arts SI Special Interest Group

The Digital Arts Special Interest Group focuses on the application of digital technology in the arts and offers insight into current research and innovations in art and technology as well as illustrating resulting synergies during its events, making artists aware

SI News Graphic

Editorial Fall 2016

Dear Members of the SI the „society“ is an important stakeholder to every professional association and in particular to SI, for a variety of reasons: In our information era, the image of something has become a decisive factor of how this

Technology Outlook and Megatrends – A Review

Technology Outlook is an event held annually by the Swiss Informatics Society SI in collaboration with the Austrian Future Network. It is dedicated to society-relevant IT themes and megatrends, and in particular to the opportunities, challenges, and risks to be

SI @ CeBIT 2016 – Swiss Pavillon

Die CeBIT in Hannover ist mit über 200’000 Besucher und tausenden von Ausstellern die weltweit größte Messe für Informationstechnik. Dieses Jahr war die Schweiz das offizielle Gastland, über 60 Schweizerfirmen präsentierten ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen im von ICT Switzerland organisierten

SI News Graphic

Information – The Oil of the 21. Century

“Information is the oil of the 21Sst century“ is the metaphoric way the Gartner Group uses to explain the fact that in the modern digital society, Information owns an inherent value. Indeed, the metaphor mediates a second, even hotter message,

SI Logo

The Swiss Informatics Society SI is the association of Informatics professionals in Switzerland.

Die Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft SI ist der Verband der Informatikfachleute in der Schweiz.

La Société Suisse d’Informatique SI est l’association des professionnels de l’informatique en Suisse.

La Società Svizzera di Informatica SI è l’associazione dei professionisti dell’informatica in Svizzera.