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Um was geht es bei E-CONOMY?

The specialist group E-CONOMY deals with the effects of the rapid digitalization of our society on our economy and the current and future participants. Our society has already mastered revolutions through machines, electricity and computers in the best possible way. Now new technologies are available or about to be implemented that break all geographical, national or even regulatory boundaries. Using robots, people are beginning to undermine their own economic claim to “value through work.” How does the service stronghold of Switzerland cope with the coming revolution?

Why participate?

As a specialist group, meetings take place 3-4 times a year in a manageable framework in the Zurich / Lucerne area. Basis are short lectures of computer scientists, futurologists, psychologists, philosophers or spinners, which should stimulate discussions and exchange. The economy of our country is a complex system and the technical possibilities hold not only chances but also risks. It is therefore all the more important to prepare ourselves for what is unstoppably and digitally rolling towards our society. We want to make it possible for our members to get an honest and varied picture. E-CONOMY is also intended to listen to the opinions and ideas of our members.

Swiss Digital Finance Conference

Swiss Digital Finance Conference is a long-standing cooperation with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. With the Swiss Digital Finance Conference, a great event takes place at the beginning of each year at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The E-CONOMY group is co-organizer on behalf of the SI and thus also offers SI members the opportunity to participate at half price. We are pleased that this conference has established itself in recent years as a highlight among the various events surrounding the digitalization of the financial center. For more information about the upcoming and past conferences, please visit the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts website at

What does it cost to be there?

Our specialist group fee of CHF 80 per year – including membership of the Swiss Informatics Society – is primarily intended to cover the overheads for the activities. The regular meetings are free of charge for members of the group and the SI as well as for curious visitors. Members can also benefit from various events of the SI and partner associations, where admission is reduced or even free.

How do I become part of the E-CONOMY?

Simply register at We look forward to receiving your registrations or inquiries.

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The Swiss Informatics Society SI is the association of Informatics professionals in Switzerland.

Die Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft SI ist der Verband der Informatikfachleute in der Schweiz.

La Société Suisse d’Informatique SI est l’association des professionnels de l’informatique en Suisse.

La Società Svizzera di Informatica SI è l’associazione dei professionisti dell’informatica in Svizzera.