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Die digitäle Ära birgt Chancen und Risiken

In der heutigen digitalen Ära sind die Automatisierung, Effizienzsteigerung, Data Science und Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) generell nicht nur Schlagwörter, sondern mitunter entscheidende Faktoren für den mittel- / langfristigen Erfolg von Unternehmen und Organisationen weltweit. Trotz dem Hype rund um speziell

Logo of SI-SE evening event on “Will AI replace Software Engineering?”

Will AI Replace Software Engineering? – A Retrospective

SI-SE, the special interest group on Software Engineering of SI, together with JUG, the Java User Group Switzerland, has organized an evening event on the topic “Will AI Replace Software Engineering?” on September 19, 2024 in Zurich, attended by over

New SI Board Members in 2024

The SI general assembly of May 16, 2024 has elected three new members to the SI Board:Dr. Sonia Duc (Senior Security Consultant at Adnovum in Lausanne)Dr. Gilbert Maître (RERO and HES-SO)Dr. Johann Sievering (CFPAA Ecole d’arts appliqués and owner of

Graphics showing a Bitcoin “coin”

Bitcoin – The Perfect Currency?

As part of our SI Evening Talks series, we invited Michael Gauckler to share his knowledge on Bitcoin and the development of cryptocurrency with us in an online event titled „Bitcoin – The Perfect Currency?“ Michael was the Chief Product

SI Evening Talk on “Broadening our Horizons”: Participants discussing and networking

Broadening our Horizons

The SI Evening Talk “Broadening our Horizons” was a great success, thanks to the insightful presentations and lively interactions between our speakers and participants. The event took place on February 1st at the Renaissance Zurich Tower Hotel and featured two experts

Helmar Burkhart †2023

Former SI President Helmar Burkhart Has Passed Away

SI mourns the loss of its former president, Helmar Burkhart, who passed away on December 17, 2023, at the age of 72. He was a professor of High-Performance and Web Computing at the University of Basel from 1987 to 2016

Digital Transformation Illustration

Digital Transformation – Part Two: Educating Leaders

Imagine yourself working for a thriving small to medium-sized enterprise or a compact corporation operating in fiercely competitive markets. Now, picture yourself in a dynamic brainstorming workshop, joined by fifteen top-level managers. The workshop commences with a free-flowing brainstorming session,

Swiss E-ID Illustration

Self-Sovereign Identities: Challenges and Chances

Self-sovereign identity (SSI) is a new concept for identity management that shall be used in the Swiss E-ID which is currently under development. The main advantage of SSI is that it better protects the users’ privacy than classical identity solutions

SI Logo

New SI Board Members Elected

During its general assembly of May 11, 2023, two new board members of the Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft (SI) were elected: Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Full Professor at the University of Geneva and Director of Centre Universitaire d’Informatique (CUI), and Kurt Munter,

SITC 2023 was a huge success! 

On May 11th 2023, the SI welcomed both its members and non-SI members to this year’s Swiss IT Congress on electronic identity (E-ID) in Bern (sitem-insel building). We listened to our wonderful speakers and had fruitful discussions on how E-ID

Danilo Biella talking at SI Evening Event of 2023-04-27 in Geneva

Agile: From Piracy to Slavery – A Retrospective

As part of our SI Evening Talk series, a series of events where we facilitate discussion of various IT topics, SI invited Danilo Biella to Geneva to share his perspectives on the current state of Agile.  SI Evening Talk by

Logo of the Swiss IT Congress 2023

Swiss IT-Congress 2023

The Swiss Informatics Society hosts this year‘sSwiss IT Congress (SITC) on “E-ID in Switzerland” on May 11th, 2023 at sitem-insel in Bern, starting at 11:00 am. Come and hear about the Swiss government‘s E-ID plans, countries that have already implemented

Attend the SI General Assembly 2023

This year’s General Assembly of SI will take place on May 11, 2023 in Bern. Time: 09:00-11:00. Location: sitem-insel, Freiburgerstrasse 3, 3010 Bern. All SI members are kindly invited to attend. After the GA, from 11:20 to 17:20, the Swiss

Werner Heisenberg on a German Stamp

Digital Transformation (1): Getting Participation Right

Digital transformation is very similar to analogue transformation, that is to those analogue transformations that imply fundamental cultural changes because individuals must adapt their practices and communities must adapt their narratives. Therefore, we can learn from the great transformations in

SI Evening talk of 2022-11-29: Data for the benefit of the patient

Data for the benefit of the patient – A retrospective

In the series of SI evening talks, the talk of November 29, 2022 featured a hot topic: How can medical data be collected and used for the benefit of the patients and in a way that preserves the patients’ privacy.

SI Logo

New SI Board Members Elected

On its general assembly of May 12, 2022, the Swiss Informatics Society SI has elected/re-elected its board and president for a two-year term (2022-2024).   Francis Baud has been re-elected as president of SI. Nora Sleumer and Iris Zeyda have

SI News Graphic

SI General Assembly 2022

On May 12, 2022, SI has held its annual general assembly.     The main topics were: –  The election/re-election of the president and the SI Board, –  The legally required topics (such as the annual reports by the president

Person setting a trust dial to “high”

The Trust Shifts

Everyone seems to agree that digital transformation has a trust problem, but few try to look behind the curtain: What is the nature of the problem? Trust is one of those concepts that can endlessly be discussed without any conclusions

A stage for women in IT

A Stage for Women in IT

  In the scope of the initiative the Swiss Informatics Society (SI) publishes portraits of women in IT from June to December 2021. SI has been looking for female role models and found many women who have made their

Haya Shulman

Video Journal: SWISS DIGITAL SUMMIT 2020 – Part 5

The Swiss Digital Summit was created with the goal of informing the public of trends and new achievements in IT. Researchers from all over the world present their research in a language to be understood by the public in general,

Daniel Stoller Schai

Video Journal: SWISS DIGITAL SUMMIT 2020 – Part 4

The Swiss Digital Summit was created with the goal of informing the public of trends and new achievements in IT. Researchers from all over the world present their research in a language to be understood by the public in general,

Swiss Cybersecurity Technology Startup Map

Video Journal: SWISS CYBER SECURITY DAYS – SCSD 2021 – Part 2

Here is Part 2 of our trilogy with the following speakers of the SCSD 2021 : Doris Fiala, Nationalrätin und Präsidentin SCSD, as from 0:11 Jonas Schneiter, Moderator à la Française, as from 0:56 André Duvillard, National Security Network, as

Swiss Cyber Security Days 2021


The SCSDs were one of the most important meetings regarding Cyber Security in Switzerland in 2021. Here, leading personalities from business, education, transport, health, energy, space and the military world met in virtual space. Although mostly three presentations took place

The Art of the Blockchain

The acronym NTF stands for non-fungible token is one that is crossing boundaries in the digital world. An NTF is a unit of data stored on a blockchain so that it certifies as unique and non-interchangeable digital asset. Although, NFTs can

Readers Column Key Image

How to Deploy Big Data and AI in Business

Quick wins, substantial wins, and big wins in big data and AI deployment follow different patterns of identification and implementation. Knowing these patterns makes it easier to perform a proper expectation management. Quick wins Quick wins with big data and/or

Abstracting Digital Documents to Think about Cultural Preservation

The textual scholar and literary critic Jerome McGann begins his most recent book with the following: “Here is surely a truth now universally acknowledged: that the whole of our cultural inheritance has to be recurated and reedited in digital forms

Key Image: Gefärliche Mathmatik

Dangerous mathematics?

Algorithms are ubiquitous in our society. They automate human thought and decision processes with the help of mathematical formulas. But how rational are these data-based decisions? And how do we distinguish useful from dangerous algorithms? The topic of “artificial intelligence”

Swiss Digital Finance Conference

The Swiss Digital Finance Conference!

Since 2016, the Swiss Informatics Society has been co-organizing the Swiss Digital Finance Conference at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) as part of a partnership. Prof. Dr. Georges Grivas from the HSLU is responsible for the

Digital sovereignty for a secure future in the cyber age

Digital sovereignty is increasingly recognized as a success factor in the cyber-dominated age. The pandemic makes us very aware of the opportunities and, at the same time, the extreme dependence on IT technologies. As a spokesperson for the GI Economic

Two Key Learnings from the Health Crisis

Covid-19 is strongly entangled with digital transformation, both in positive and negative ways. On the one hand, Covid-19 has boosted online formats in business, healthcare, education and even in government. On the other hand, Covid-19 has highlighted the missing capabilities

Documenting and Preserving Heritage Creatively

News Digital Heritage SIG In 2018, the Digital Heritage SIG organised an exhibition with the Zurich artist Peter Grenacher focusing on his research with the Ishango Bone, which was presented in the ETH Zurich and seen by several hundreds visitors.

Privacy Security Herbst

Corona- und Digitalisierungs-Challenge als das «Neue Normale»

Die Planung und Umsetzung der Transformation / Digitalisierung sollte ein vom Management gesteuerter und vom mittleren Management aktiv unterstützter Prozess sein. Das bzw. der diesbezügliche Reifegrad der Digitalisierung der Organisationen wurde speziell in den letzten Monaten ersichtlich und auch noch

Art & IT Herbst Image


Somehow you recognize faces. And somehow old masters. But somehow it’s also a bit scary. The images are part of Mario Klingemann’s video work 79530 Selfportraits, in which the artist trained a neural network exclusively with portraits of old masters.


SwissCovid App – viele Stärken, einige Schwächen

Der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) hat zehn Kriterien zur Beurteilung von Contact Tracing Apps vorgelegt. Sechs dieser Kriterien werden von der SwissCovid App erfüllt, vier werden teilweise erfüllt. Die Grafik fasst die Bewertung anhand der CCC-Kriterien zusammen. Sie zeigt, dass

Video Journal Digital Arts Key Image

Video Journal: Digital Arts & Computer Science

Während einer Veranstaltung der SI im Jahr 2019 hatte der Präsident der Multimedia Fachgruppe, Fredy Schwyter, die Gelegenheit wahrgenommen, mit einer Reihe von Teilnehmern zu sprechen. In diesem Interview hören wir Anna Kälin und Julia Schicker. [embedyt][/embedyt]  

Blogroll: Digital Collaboration

Digital collaboration implies the simultaneous work of 2 or more people at different locations and on a common task. For this purpose there are an increasing number of creative and exciting tools and technologies available. However, digital collaboration also takes

SI News Graphic

Every Crisis is a Chance

Dear Members We hope this letter finds you and your family well and  SI would also like to assure all of our members that SI has taken measures so that the association continues with its duties towards its members and is

Privacy Security Sommer

Rückgrat und Steigbügel des Homeoffice und Digitalisierung

Resiliente und sichere Hybrid-Cloud: Rückgrat und Steigbügel des Homeoffice und Digitalisierung – speziell auch in Corona-Phase An Diskussionen, in den Medien oder in Digitalisierungs-Projekten wird viel von «Cloud» gesprochen, von App- und Daten-Clouds, auf die alle von überall aus, immer

Edy Portmann Portrait

The birth of the new Business Informatics Division

Professor Dr. Edy Portmann and his research team are in the process of establishing a new special interest group in the field of computer science. Parallel to this, a new special interest group “Business Informatics” is also to be created.

What’s Wrong with AI? A Discussion Paper

AI ON THE RISE There are probably not many people who would doubt that we have arrived in an age of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Of course, this opens up many previously untapped opportunities, ranging from production to

Cyber Security Days Key Image

Video Journal: Swiss Cyber Security Days 2020

Während der zweiten, speziellen Sicherheits-Konferenz  Swiss Cyber Security Days in Fribourg (SCSD) vom 12. bis 13. Februar hatte der Präsident der Multimedia Fachgruppe, Fredy Schwyter, die Gelegenheit wahrgenommen, die Präsentationen einiger Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer aufzunehmen. Im Video hören wir von Doris Fiala


Influencer*in – ein Traumberuf für viele Teenies. Dazu gehören Followers sammeln, was einem Wert seiner selbst quantifizieren gleichkommt; Objekte bewerben und kontinuierlich beispielsweise auf dem Instagram Profil nachsehen, wie viele Menschen die eigenen Stories bereits betrachtet haben; Interaktionen beobachten, die

Ethnic App Key Image

Ethica: Spinoza Without Obstacle

In the preface to his Ethics, the philosopher Benedict de Spinoza (1632-1677) wrote: “I shall consider human actions and desires in exactly the same manner, as though I were concerned with lines, planes, and solids.” Published in Latin in 1677,

A Code of Ethics for SI?

Braucht die SI Ethikrichtlinien?

Auch wenn sie nicht immer so heissen, haben doch alle Berufsorganisationen Ethikrichtlinien. Diese Richtlinien helfen den Mitgliedern, sich in für die jeweilige Gruppe spezifischen ethischen Konfliktsituationen („richtig“) zu entscheiden. Ist es zum Beispiel für InformatikerInnen ethisch verantwortbar, an einem Projekt

BlogRoll: Digital Self Defense

About Digital self-defense is a set of strategies to ensure protection of confidential personal electronic information that can be used to identify, contact, or locate and identify an individual in context. Personal information is often revealed in social networking sites

Privacy Security Sommer

Stand der Technik – das neue Paradigma in jeder Technologie?

Der zunehmend referenzierte Technologiestandard «Stand der Technik» – speziell bei Verträgen, Services, Regulationen, AGBs und Audits rund um Informatik, Clouds, Security und Technologie- / Datenschutz- / Datensicherheit-Themen generell – muss von den begrifflich ähnlich lautenden Technologieständen wie den «allgemein anerkannten

SI News Graphic

Minisymposium: «Digitalisierung, Werte und internationale Zusammenarbeit»

Minisymposium: «Digitization, values and international cooperation» The Business Department of the Bern University of Applied Sciences will hold a mini conference focusing on the theme of Digital Transformation during this year’s General Assembly of the Swiss Informatics Society. Although compact in size,

Was Tulpen und Kryptowährungen gemeinsam ist

Erst kürzlich erreichte der Wert des Bitcoins einmal mehr ein kurzfristiges Hoch. Die junge Geschichte des Bitcoins ist gezeichnet von heftigen Fluktuationen. Nennenswert ist, dass die Kryptowährung seit ihrer Gründung vor etwa zehn Jahren trotz der Fluktuationen eine beeindruckende Wertsteigerung

Exponential Times

Innovation in Zeiten der digitalen Transformation

«We live in exponential times» – Mit diesen Worten hat der US-amerikanische Publizist Kevin Kelly unsere Gegenwart treffend beschrieben. Spätestens seit Beginn des 21. Jahrhundert erleben die Menschen ihre Welt zunehmend als Zeit tiefgreifender globaler Veränderungen, die das Leben jedes

The Nonstop Datafication of Self-Design

The Daily Design of the Quantified Self

[ TRAINING ] ♦ Personal training is an activity usually associated with fitness where a teacher is in charge of educating their clients by setting up an exercise program with specific goals. Teachers motivate them by creating a desire for

Economy 2. 0 Fall Image

Très faciunt collegium: How digital business works

  Quoting from a private communication with a Swiss executive: “The executive boards already understand digitalization, but the boards of directors don’t.” This is indeed widely true in Switzerland. However, it is only part of the truth, because members of

What Are You Worth?

Geld und Technologie gehen Hand in Hand. Viele der heutzutage wichtigen Unternehmen sind Technologiefirmen, seien sie in der Hardware, Software oder im Onlinehandel verankert. Als Individuum scheinen wir davon nur profitieren zu können. Wir erhalten gratis Services, für die wir

Ethikrichtlinien in der Praxis

Im letzten Post habe ich von neuen Ethikrichtlinien berichtet, die unsere Schwestergesellschaften in Deutschland (GI) und USA (ACM) aktualisiert haben. Jüngste Ereignisse bei grossen Internetfirmen zeigen, dass solche Ethikrichtlinien keine intellektuellen Turnübungen sind, sondern wichtige und notwendige Hilfestellungen für InformatikerInnen

Privacy Security Herbst

Technologische (R)Evolutions-Sprünge

Vertrauen und Cyber Security – ein Widerspruch? Die Industrie 4.0 und die entsprechende Digitalisierung mit sprunghaften Technologie-(R)Evolutionen wie Internet of Things (IoT), Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und Blockchain fordern gesamtheitliche und integrierte Prozesse und Schnittstellen. Dies mit auch Fokus auf eine

SI News Graphic

Technology ≠ Digital Transformation

Viele leiten aus der Ungleichung “Technologie ≠ digitale Transformation” ab, dass wir weniger über Technologie reden sollten, weil es im Wesentlichen um Transformationsprozesse geht. Diese Schlussfolgerung scheint logisch zu sein – und trotzdem ist sie das Gegenteil der Wahrheit. Das

Report: Cybersecurity-Schnelltest fuer KMUs

Report über die Medienkonferenz am 3.9.2018 Nicole Wettstein, Projektleiterin des Cybersecurity Schnelltests für KMUs, lobte zu Beginn der Medienkonferenz bei SATW die Zusammenarbeit der beteiligten Institutionen. Andreas Kaelin, Geschäftsführer ICTswitzerland, begründete die Notwendigkeit dieses Projekts mit der Anzahl von KMUs

Die gegenseitige Bereicherung von Soft-und Hardware

Anhand der Arbeit Olympia diskutieren wir Eigenart und Potenzial von Soft- und Hardware im weiteren Sinne. In der Geschichte lassen sich eine Vielzahl von Konzepten, Plänen und Visionen (Software) finden, aus denen ganze Städte und einzelne Gebäude (Hardware) entstanden sind.

Stellungnahme zum eidgenössischen Geldspielgesetz

Am 10. Juni entscheidet die Schweizer Stimmbevölkerung über das neue Geldspielgesetz. Dieses Gesetz führt Netzsperren ein, die durchsetzen sollen, dass BenutzerInnen nur noch die Online-Spielangebote inländischer Casinos nutzen. Das heisst, auf Anweisung des Bundes hin müssen Internet-Provider die IP-Adressen anderer

Privacy Security Sommer

Compliance und Vertrauen erlangen und dabei Chancen mehrwertstiftend nutzen

Die Industrie 4.0 und die entsprechende Digitalisierung fordert integrierte und robuste Prozesse als Rückgrat der umfassenden Collaboration – dies auch auf Basis von ICT-Systemen/Clouds und Schnittstellen mit dem Fokus auf maximal abgesicherte Angriffs- und Betriebs-Sicherheit bei auditierbaren Datenschutz-, Privacy- und

Von der Titanic und dem Digitalen Paralleluniversum

Hoch über uns schreitet sie in grossen Schritten einher: die „Digitalisierung“. Ein unscheinbares Wort, ein geradezu verharmlosender Begriff, der in aller Munde und Händen ist, ohne das sich jedoch die meisten der Tiefe seiner Auswirkungen auf unsere Gesellschaft bewusst sind.

Privacy Security Image

Gemeinsame Verantwortung – Security Awareness

Rund 90% der erfolgreichen und schädigenden  Hacker-Attacken bzw. CyberSecurity-Vorfällen basieren auf sogenannten Phishing-Mail-Angriffen oder Social Engineering (Clevere Manipulation der menschlichen Tendenz zum Vertrauen und dem darauf basierten (falschen) Verhalten). Noch besorgniserregender ist der Fakt, dass die durchschnittliche Erkennungszeit eines solchen

Game Festival

Ludicious – Zürich, Fokus der Game-Welt

Die weltweite Game-Szene traf sich in Zürich zum 4. Game-Festival. Wo? Da wo früher Kanonen, Karabiner und Uniformen der Schweizer-Armee gelagert wurden, im Zeughaus Zürich. Im Gegensatz zu früher gewann man in den alten Hallen zwischen all den Gamern einen

PeopleKeeper Image

PeopleKeeper: Von Maschinen und Menschen

Als Maschinen entstanden sind, brauchte es den Menschen, um diese zu Steuern. Heute ist die ganze Technologie derart immersiv, dass es in diesem Bereich eine Verschiebung gab: Maschinen werden zu einem zentralen Steuerelement und die Menschen lassen sich von deren

Intreview Reinhard Riedl

Interview: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Riedl, SI Vorstand

Während des Technology Outlook 2017 Events hatte der Präsident der Multimedia Fachgruppe, Fredy Schwyter, die Gelegenheit wahrgenommen, mit einer Reihe von Teilnehmern zu sprechen. Im folgenden Interview hören wir Prof. Dr. Reinhard Riedl, der Mitglied des SI Boards ist und

Interview: Niklaus Meyer, GreenIT SIG

Während des Technology Outlook 2017 Events hatte der Präsident der Multimedia Fachgruppe, Fredy Schwyter, die Gelegenheit wahrgenommen, mit einer Reihe von Teilnehmern zu sprechen. Im folgenden Interview hören wir Niklaus Meyer, der Teilnehmer am Technology Outlook Event war und Leiter

Economy 2.0 Summer Edition

Technology Replaces Organizations

Everyone has heard about platform economy and its branch, sharing economy. But what does it imply for an existing company? How do blockchains get into the picture? What should management boards care about? What is the challenge for legislators? Why

Jetzt auf Vimeo: Ursula Muench Spricht auf der Tagung – Technology Outlook 2017

Die Digitalisierung erweitert zwar die Möglichkeiten zur politischen Partizipation, zugleich werden jedoch Gewährleistungen der Demokratie, die wir bislang für wichtig erachtet haben, negativ beeinflusst. Was scheinbar wie eine Veränderung der bloßen Kommunikationsformen daherkommt, wirkt sich einschneidend auf die Demokratie aus.

A Global Platform for Short Form Writing

To support the creation of cultural assets it is necessary to provide spaces of dialogue and exchange. This is equally important for science and arts. An example of this is the post world war one era known as Viennese Modernity

Priska Altorfer Portrait

Ah, but you are the woman of Switzerland!

Even in 2017, IT remains a male-dominated world. Meeting with Priska Altorfer, Member of the Board of Directors of the Swiss IT Society, to discuss the place of women in the industry Priska Altorfer Member of the Board of Directors,

Economy 2.0 Summer Edition

Identity in Cyberspace

I have a colleague – and this not me myself – who has recently become victim of several identity thefts in a row. The goal of the thefts was to severely damage his life and to get into his footsteps,

More Surveillance; Fewer Basic Rights

Practically simultaneously, the online editions of Zeit and Spiegel publish articles against the German government’s surveillance mania. Kai Biermann headlines his commentary A rotten game with people’s fear. He describes how the German government and the secret services exploit the

Aet Rahe Interview

Interview with Aet Rahe: “Digital Transformation in Estonia”

Estonia is a sparsely populated country. When the small country in Northeast Europe restored its independence in 1991, it had no physical infrastructure to serve its own citizens in the small villages. With the development of the web all stakeholders

Privacy Security Image

ICT-Support – Besser Zusammen

Jahrzehntelang mussten mangels echter Alternativen die Business-Prozess-/Anforderungen abgebildet werden mit lokalen ICT-Support-Prozessen und auch bis dato funktionierenden und stets als robustes “Rückgrat” fungierenden “best practices” basierten System-Management-Umgebungen. Wie bei der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung und in Zukunftsthemen wie «Künstliche Intelligenz», IoT und

E-Conomy Avatar 150*150

Um was geht es bei E-CONOMY?

The specialist group E-CONOMY deals with the effects of the rapid digitalization of our society on our economy and the current and future participants. Our society has already mastered revolutions through machines, electricity and computers in the best possible way.

Economy 2.0 Winter Image

Big Data ≧ Data +++++

Big Data ≧ Data + Questions + Algorithmic Knowledge + Commitment + Collaboration. Many big data activities fail to establish the necessary preconditions for success. In science the main challenges are the access to data and the collaboration across disciplines. For

Blogroll: Upside of Disruption

Today, it is important for all of us to see not just the dots,but the processes that connects to form the basis of our society. The forum is set put to help others join together online and seize the upside

Privacy Security Sommer

ICT-Support – better together

For decades, due to a lack of real alternatives, business process/requirements had to be mapped with local ICT support processes and also “best practices” based system management environments that have functioned to date and always acted as a robust “backbone”.

Image Security by Design

Security by Design

Almost 90% of successful cyber attacks start with phishing attacks / social engineering e.g. via email and the malware activated and spread via this e.g. ransomware, encryption Trojans, spyware. -> With now easily controllable and automated cloud services such as Office365,

Artist Art Clay viewer AR Artwork

Multimedia News : The reality behind “Virtual Switzerland”

The Reality Behind “Virtual Switzerland” To the question: “What is special about an artist who makes digital art?” probably only a few insiders would know a fitting answer. In order to find a meaningful answer to this question, I accompanied

Privacy & Security

«Digitalization is eating the world and our life – Wir müssen uns abfinden und arrangieren mit „analysierten“ Umgebungen – aber möglichst unsere Rechte auf Privacy, Anonymity, Mitgestaltung und Datenhoheit / Datennutzung und der informationellen Selbstbestimmung bewahren.»   Der Umstand der

Aufklärung 4.0

WARNHINWEIS: Lesen Sie diesen provokativen Artikel NICHT vor dem 31.12. Erst im neuen Jahr. Er hilft GUTE VORSÄTZE zu entwickeln – VERDIRBT aber jede Weihnachtsstimmung! Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Digitalisierungs-Wahn und der digitalen Gesellschaft in Zukunft im mehrfach international ausgezeichneten

Digital Single Market – Fiction or Vision?

ABSTRACT: The European Union heads for the establishment of a digital single market among its members. This article discusses whether Switzerland should ignore this or look for possibilities that will allow Swiss companies and Swiss citizens to participate in this

Image It and Culture

Introducing the Digital Arts SI Special Interest Group

The Digital Arts Special Interest Group focuses on the application of digital technology in the arts and offers insight into current research and innovations in art and technology as well as illustrating resulting synergies during its events, making artists aware

On Science On Art On Society, A Review

Book Review If the world is to achieve ecological, political and economic sustainability, it is essential to establish a “sustainabity culture.” The urgent need to generate transdisciplinary means to safeguard and facilitate contemporary human creation is a fundamental notion of

The Digital Art Weeks : A Decade of Accomplishment

INTRODUCTION Zurich and Basel Switzerland, Xian, Shanghai and Bejing China, Vancouver Island, Canada, Singapore, Singapore and Seoul, South Korea are the places in which the Digital Art Weeks Internaional have take place over the past nine years. Each of these

Die digitäle Ära birgt Chancen und Risiken

In der heutigen digitalen Ära sind die Automatisierung, Effizienzsteigerung, Data Science und Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) generell nicht nur Schlagwörter, sondern mitunter entscheidende Faktoren für den mittel- / langfristigen Erfolg von Unternehmen und Organisationen weltweit. Trotz dem Hype rund um speziell

Logo of SI-SE evening event on “Will AI replace Software Engineering?”

Will AI Replace Software Engineering? – A Retrospective

SI-SE, the special interest group on Software Engineering of SI, together with JUG, the Java User Group Switzerland, has organized an evening event on the topic “Will AI Replace Software Engineering?” on September 19, 2024 in Zurich, attended by over

New SI Board Members in 2024

The SI general assembly of May 16, 2024 has elected three new members to the SI Board:Dr. Sonia Duc (Senior Security Consultant at Adnovum in Lausanne)Dr. Gilbert Maître (RERO and HES-SO)Dr. Johann Sievering (CFPAA Ecole d’arts appliqués and owner of

Graphics showing a Bitcoin “coin”

Bitcoin – The Perfect Currency?

As part of our SI Evening Talks series, we invited Michael Gauckler to share his knowledge on Bitcoin and the development of cryptocurrency with us in an online event titled „Bitcoin – The Perfect Currency?“ Michael was the Chief Product

SI Evening Talk on “Broadening our Horizons”: Participants discussing and networking

Broadening our Horizons

The SI Evening Talk “Broadening our Horizons” was a great success, thanks to the insightful presentations and lively interactions between our speakers and participants. The event took place on February 1st at the Renaissance Zurich Tower Hotel and featured two experts

Helmar Burkhart †2023

Former SI President Helmar Burkhart Has Passed Away

SI mourns the loss of its former president, Helmar Burkhart, who passed away on December 17, 2023, at the age of 72. He was a professor of High-Performance and Web Computing at the University of Basel from 1987 to 2016

Digital Transformation Illustration

Digital Transformation – Part Two: Educating Leaders

Imagine yourself working for a thriving small to medium-sized enterprise or a compact corporation operating in fiercely competitive markets. Now, picture yourself in a dynamic brainstorming workshop, joined by fifteen top-level managers. The workshop commences with a free-flowing brainstorming session,

Swiss E-ID Illustration

Self-Sovereign Identities: Challenges and Chances

Self-sovereign identity (SSI) is a new concept for identity management that shall be used in the Swiss E-ID which is currently under development. The main advantage of SSI is that it better protects the users’ privacy than classical identity solutions

SI Logo

New SI Board Members Elected

During its general assembly of May 11, 2023, two new board members of the Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft (SI) were elected: Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Full Professor at the University of Geneva and Director of Centre Universitaire d’Informatique (CUI), and Kurt Munter,

SITC 2023 was a huge success! 

On May 11th 2023, the SI welcomed both its members and non-SI members to this year’s Swiss IT Congress on electronic identity (E-ID) in Bern (sitem-insel building). We listened to our wonderful speakers and had fruitful discussions on how E-ID

Danilo Biella talking at SI Evening Event of 2023-04-27 in Geneva

Agile: From Piracy to Slavery – A Retrospective

As part of our SI Evening Talk series, a series of events where we facilitate discussion of various IT topics, SI invited Danilo Biella to Geneva to share his perspectives on the current state of Agile.  SI Evening Talk by

Logo of the Swiss IT Congress 2023

Swiss IT-Congress 2023

The Swiss Informatics Society hosts this year‘sSwiss IT Congress (SITC) on “E-ID in Switzerland” on May 11th, 2023 at sitem-insel in Bern, starting at 11:00 am. Come and hear about the Swiss government‘s E-ID plans, countries that have already implemented

Attend the SI General Assembly 2023

This year’s General Assembly of SI will take place on May 11, 2023 in Bern. Time: 09:00-11:00. Location: sitem-insel, Freiburgerstrasse 3, 3010 Bern. All SI members are kindly invited to attend. After the GA, from 11:20 to 17:20, the Swiss

Werner Heisenberg on a German Stamp

Digital Transformation (1): Getting Participation Right

Digital transformation is very similar to analogue transformation, that is to those analogue transformations that imply fundamental cultural changes because individuals must adapt their practices and communities must adapt their narratives. Therefore, we can learn from the great transformations in

SI Evening talk of 2022-11-29: Data for the benefit of the patient

Data for the benefit of the patient – A retrospective

In the series of SI evening talks, the talk of November 29, 2022 featured a hot topic: How can medical data be collected and used for the benefit of the patients and in a way that preserves the patients’ privacy.

SI Logo

New SI Board Members Elected

On its general assembly of May 12, 2022, the Swiss Informatics Society SI has elected/re-elected its board and president for a two-year term (2022-2024).   Francis Baud has been re-elected as president of SI. Nora Sleumer and Iris Zeyda have

SI News Graphic

SI General Assembly 2022

On May 12, 2022, SI has held its annual general assembly.     The main topics were: –  The election/re-election of the president and the SI Board, –  The legally required topics (such as the annual reports by the president

Person setting a trust dial to “high”

The Trust Shifts

Everyone seems to agree that digital transformation has a trust problem, but few try to look behind the curtain: What is the nature of the problem? Trust is one of those concepts that can endlessly be discussed without any conclusions

A stage for women in IT

A Stage for Women in IT

  In the scope of the initiative the Swiss Informatics Society (SI) publishes portraits of women in IT from June to December 2021. SI has been looking for female role models and found many women who have made their

Haya Shulman

Video Journal: SWISS DIGITAL SUMMIT 2020 – Part 5

The Swiss Digital Summit was created with the goal of informing the public of trends and new achievements in IT. Researchers from all over the world present their research in a language to be understood by the public in general,

Daniel Stoller Schai

Video Journal: SWISS DIGITAL SUMMIT 2020 – Part 4

The Swiss Digital Summit was created with the goal of informing the public of trends and new achievements in IT. Researchers from all over the world present their research in a language to be understood by the public in general,

Swiss Cybersecurity Technology Startup Map

Video Journal: SWISS CYBER SECURITY DAYS – SCSD 2021 – Part 2

Here is Part 2 of our trilogy with the following speakers of the SCSD 2021 : Doris Fiala, Nationalrätin und Präsidentin SCSD, as from 0:11 Jonas Schneiter, Moderator à la Française, as from 0:56 André Duvillard, National Security Network, as

Swiss Cyber Security Days 2021


The SCSDs were one of the most important meetings regarding Cyber Security in Switzerland in 2021. Here, leading personalities from business, education, transport, health, energy, space and the military world met in virtual space. Although mostly three presentations took place

The Art of the Blockchain

The acronym NTF stands for non-fungible token is one that is crossing boundaries in the digital world. An NTF is a unit of data stored on a blockchain so that it certifies as unique and non-interchangeable digital asset. Although, NFTs can

Readers Column Key Image

How to Deploy Big Data and AI in Business

Quick wins, substantial wins, and big wins in big data and AI deployment follow different patterns of identification and implementation. Knowing these patterns makes it easier to perform a proper expectation management. Quick wins Quick wins with big data and/or

Abstracting Digital Documents to Think about Cultural Preservation

The textual scholar and literary critic Jerome McGann begins his most recent book with the following: “Here is surely a truth now universally acknowledged: that the whole of our cultural inheritance has to be recurated and reedited in digital forms

Key Image: Gefärliche Mathmatik

Dangerous mathematics?

Algorithms are ubiquitous in our society. They automate human thought and decision processes with the help of mathematical formulas. But how rational are these data-based decisions? And how do we distinguish useful from dangerous algorithms? The topic of “artificial intelligence”

Swiss Digital Finance Conference

The Swiss Digital Finance Conference!

Since 2016, the Swiss Informatics Society has been co-organizing the Swiss Digital Finance Conference at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) as part of a partnership. Prof. Dr. Georges Grivas from the HSLU is responsible for the

Digital sovereignty for a secure future in the cyber age

Digital sovereignty is increasingly recognized as a success factor in the cyber-dominated age. The pandemic makes us very aware of the opportunities and, at the same time, the extreme dependence on IT technologies. As a spokesperson for the GI Economic

Two Key Learnings from the Health Crisis

Covid-19 is strongly entangled with digital transformation, both in positive and negative ways. On the one hand, Covid-19 has boosted online formats in business, healthcare, education and even in government. On the other hand, Covid-19 has highlighted the missing capabilities

Documenting and Preserving Heritage Creatively

News Digital Heritage SIG In 2018, the Digital Heritage SIG organised an exhibition with the Zurich artist Peter Grenacher focusing on his research with the Ishango Bone, which was presented in the ETH Zurich and seen by several hundreds visitors.

Privacy Security Herbst

Corona- und Digitalisierungs-Challenge als das «Neue Normale»

Die Planung und Umsetzung der Transformation / Digitalisierung sollte ein vom Management gesteuerter und vom mittleren Management aktiv unterstützter Prozess sein. Das bzw. der diesbezügliche Reifegrad der Digitalisierung der Organisationen wurde speziell in den letzten Monaten ersichtlich und auch noch

Art & IT Herbst Image


Somehow you recognize faces. And somehow old masters. But somehow it’s also a bit scary. The images are part of Mario Klingemann’s video work 79530 Selfportraits, in which the artist trained a neural network exclusively with portraits of old masters.


SwissCovid App – viele Stärken, einige Schwächen

Der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) hat zehn Kriterien zur Beurteilung von Contact Tracing Apps vorgelegt. Sechs dieser Kriterien werden von der SwissCovid App erfüllt, vier werden teilweise erfüllt. Die Grafik fasst die Bewertung anhand der CCC-Kriterien zusammen. Sie zeigt, dass

Video Journal Digital Arts Key Image

Video Journal: Digital Arts & Computer Science

Während einer Veranstaltung der SI im Jahr 2019 hatte der Präsident der Multimedia Fachgruppe, Fredy Schwyter, die Gelegenheit wahrgenommen, mit einer Reihe von Teilnehmern zu sprechen. In diesem Interview hören wir Anna Kälin und Julia Schicker. [embedyt][/embedyt]  

Blogroll: Digital Collaboration

Digital collaboration implies the simultaneous work of 2 or more people at different locations and on a common task. For this purpose there are an increasing number of creative and exciting tools and technologies available. However, digital collaboration also takes

SI News Graphic

Every Crisis is a Chance

Dear Members We hope this letter finds you and your family well and  SI would also like to assure all of our members that SI has taken measures so that the association continues with its duties towards its members and is

Privacy Security Sommer

Rückgrat und Steigbügel des Homeoffice und Digitalisierung

Resiliente und sichere Hybrid-Cloud: Rückgrat und Steigbügel des Homeoffice und Digitalisierung – speziell auch in Corona-Phase An Diskussionen, in den Medien oder in Digitalisierungs-Projekten wird viel von «Cloud» gesprochen, von App- und Daten-Clouds, auf die alle von überall aus, immer

Edy Portmann Portrait

The birth of the new Business Informatics Division

Professor Dr. Edy Portmann and his research team are in the process of establishing a new special interest group in the field of computer science. Parallel to this, a new special interest group “Business Informatics” is also to be created.

What’s Wrong with AI? A Discussion Paper

AI ON THE RISE There are probably not many people who would doubt that we have arrived in an age of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Of course, this opens up many previously untapped opportunities, ranging from production to

Cyber Security Days Key Image

Video Journal: Swiss Cyber Security Days 2020

Während der zweiten, speziellen Sicherheits-Konferenz  Swiss Cyber Security Days in Fribourg (SCSD) vom 12. bis 13. Februar hatte der Präsident der Multimedia Fachgruppe, Fredy Schwyter, die Gelegenheit wahrgenommen, die Präsentationen einiger Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer aufzunehmen. Im Video hören wir von Doris Fiala


Influencer*in – ein Traumberuf für viele Teenies. Dazu gehören Followers sammeln, was einem Wert seiner selbst quantifizieren gleichkommt; Objekte bewerben und kontinuierlich beispielsweise auf dem Instagram Profil nachsehen, wie viele Menschen die eigenen Stories bereits betrachtet haben; Interaktionen beobachten, die

Ethnic App Key Image

Ethica: Spinoza Without Obstacle

In the preface to his Ethics, the philosopher Benedict de Spinoza (1632-1677) wrote: “I shall consider human actions and desires in exactly the same manner, as though I were concerned with lines, planes, and solids.” Published in Latin in 1677,

A Code of Ethics for SI?

Braucht die SI Ethikrichtlinien?

Auch wenn sie nicht immer so heissen, haben doch alle Berufsorganisationen Ethikrichtlinien. Diese Richtlinien helfen den Mitgliedern, sich in für die jeweilige Gruppe spezifischen ethischen Konfliktsituationen („richtig“) zu entscheiden. Ist es zum Beispiel für InformatikerInnen ethisch verantwortbar, an einem Projekt

BlogRoll: Digital Self Defense

About Digital self-defense is a set of strategies to ensure protection of confidential personal electronic information that can be used to identify, contact, or locate and identify an individual in context. Personal information is often revealed in social networking sites

Privacy Security Sommer

Stand der Technik – das neue Paradigma in jeder Technologie?

Der zunehmend referenzierte Technologiestandard «Stand der Technik» – speziell bei Verträgen, Services, Regulationen, AGBs und Audits rund um Informatik, Clouds, Security und Technologie- / Datenschutz- / Datensicherheit-Themen generell – muss von den begrifflich ähnlich lautenden Technologieständen wie den «allgemein anerkannten

SI News Graphic

Minisymposium: «Digitalisierung, Werte und internationale Zusammenarbeit»

Minisymposium: «Digitization, values and international cooperation» The Business Department of the Bern University of Applied Sciences will hold a mini conference focusing on the theme of Digital Transformation during this year’s General Assembly of the Swiss Informatics Society. Although compact in size,

Was Tulpen und Kryptowährungen gemeinsam ist

Erst kürzlich erreichte der Wert des Bitcoins einmal mehr ein kurzfristiges Hoch. Die junge Geschichte des Bitcoins ist gezeichnet von heftigen Fluktuationen. Nennenswert ist, dass die Kryptowährung seit ihrer Gründung vor etwa zehn Jahren trotz der Fluktuationen eine beeindruckende Wertsteigerung

Exponential Times

Innovation in Zeiten der digitalen Transformation

«We live in exponential times» – Mit diesen Worten hat der US-amerikanische Publizist Kevin Kelly unsere Gegenwart treffend beschrieben. Spätestens seit Beginn des 21. Jahrhundert erleben die Menschen ihre Welt zunehmend als Zeit tiefgreifender globaler Veränderungen, die das Leben jedes

The Nonstop Datafication of Self-Design

The Daily Design of the Quantified Self

[ TRAINING ] ♦ Personal training is an activity usually associated with fitness where a teacher is in charge of educating their clients by setting up an exercise program with specific goals. Teachers motivate them by creating a desire for

Economy 2. 0 Fall Image

Très faciunt collegium: How digital business works

  Quoting from a private communication with a Swiss executive: “The executive boards already understand digitalization, but the boards of directors don’t.” This is indeed widely true in Switzerland. However, it is only part of the truth, because members of

What Are You Worth?

Geld und Technologie gehen Hand in Hand. Viele der heutzutage wichtigen Unternehmen sind Technologiefirmen, seien sie in der Hardware, Software oder im Onlinehandel verankert. Als Individuum scheinen wir davon nur profitieren zu können. Wir erhalten gratis Services, für die wir

Ethikrichtlinien in der Praxis

Im letzten Post habe ich von neuen Ethikrichtlinien berichtet, die unsere Schwestergesellschaften in Deutschland (GI) und USA (ACM) aktualisiert haben. Jüngste Ereignisse bei grossen Internetfirmen zeigen, dass solche Ethikrichtlinien keine intellektuellen Turnübungen sind, sondern wichtige und notwendige Hilfestellungen für InformatikerInnen

Privacy Security Herbst

Technologische (R)Evolutions-Sprünge

Vertrauen und Cyber Security – ein Widerspruch? Die Industrie 4.0 und die entsprechende Digitalisierung mit sprunghaften Technologie-(R)Evolutionen wie Internet of Things (IoT), Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und Blockchain fordern gesamtheitliche und integrierte Prozesse und Schnittstellen. Dies mit auch Fokus auf eine

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Technology ≠ Digital Transformation

Viele leiten aus der Ungleichung “Technologie ≠ digitale Transformation” ab, dass wir weniger über Technologie reden sollten, weil es im Wesentlichen um Transformationsprozesse geht. Diese Schlussfolgerung scheint logisch zu sein – und trotzdem ist sie das Gegenteil der Wahrheit. Das

Report: Cybersecurity-Schnelltest fuer KMUs

Report über die Medienkonferenz am 3.9.2018 Nicole Wettstein, Projektleiterin des Cybersecurity Schnelltests für KMUs, lobte zu Beginn der Medienkonferenz bei SATW die Zusammenarbeit der beteiligten Institutionen. Andreas Kaelin, Geschäftsführer ICTswitzerland, begründete die Notwendigkeit dieses Projekts mit der Anzahl von KMUs

Die gegenseitige Bereicherung von Soft-und Hardware

Anhand der Arbeit Olympia diskutieren wir Eigenart und Potenzial von Soft- und Hardware im weiteren Sinne. In der Geschichte lassen sich eine Vielzahl von Konzepten, Plänen und Visionen (Software) finden, aus denen ganze Städte und einzelne Gebäude (Hardware) entstanden sind.

Stellungnahme zum eidgenössischen Geldspielgesetz

Am 10. Juni entscheidet die Schweizer Stimmbevölkerung über das neue Geldspielgesetz. Dieses Gesetz führt Netzsperren ein, die durchsetzen sollen, dass BenutzerInnen nur noch die Online-Spielangebote inländischer Casinos nutzen. Das heisst, auf Anweisung des Bundes hin müssen Internet-Provider die IP-Adressen anderer

Privacy Security Sommer

Compliance und Vertrauen erlangen und dabei Chancen mehrwertstiftend nutzen

Die Industrie 4.0 und die entsprechende Digitalisierung fordert integrierte und robuste Prozesse als Rückgrat der umfassenden Collaboration – dies auch auf Basis von ICT-Systemen/Clouds und Schnittstellen mit dem Fokus auf maximal abgesicherte Angriffs- und Betriebs-Sicherheit bei auditierbaren Datenschutz-, Privacy- und

Von der Titanic und dem Digitalen Paralleluniversum

Hoch über uns schreitet sie in grossen Schritten einher: die „Digitalisierung“. Ein unscheinbares Wort, ein geradezu verharmlosender Begriff, der in aller Munde und Händen ist, ohne das sich jedoch die meisten der Tiefe seiner Auswirkungen auf unsere Gesellschaft bewusst sind.

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Gemeinsame Verantwortung – Security Awareness

Rund 90% der erfolgreichen und schädigenden  Hacker-Attacken bzw. CyberSecurity-Vorfällen basieren auf sogenannten Phishing-Mail-Angriffen oder Social Engineering (Clevere Manipulation der menschlichen Tendenz zum Vertrauen und dem darauf basierten (falschen) Verhalten). Noch besorgniserregender ist der Fakt, dass die durchschnittliche Erkennungszeit eines solchen

Game Festival

Ludicious – Zürich, Fokus der Game-Welt

Die weltweite Game-Szene traf sich in Zürich zum 4. Game-Festival. Wo? Da wo früher Kanonen, Karabiner und Uniformen der Schweizer-Armee gelagert wurden, im Zeughaus Zürich. Im Gegensatz zu früher gewann man in den alten Hallen zwischen all den Gamern einen

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PeopleKeeper: Von Maschinen und Menschen

Als Maschinen entstanden sind, brauchte es den Menschen, um diese zu Steuern. Heute ist die ganze Technologie derart immersiv, dass es in diesem Bereich eine Verschiebung gab: Maschinen werden zu einem zentralen Steuerelement und die Menschen lassen sich von deren

Intreview Reinhard Riedl

Interview: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Riedl, SI Vorstand

Während des Technology Outlook 2017 Events hatte der Präsident der Multimedia Fachgruppe, Fredy Schwyter, die Gelegenheit wahrgenommen, mit einer Reihe von Teilnehmern zu sprechen. Im folgenden Interview hören wir Prof. Dr. Reinhard Riedl, der Mitglied des SI Boards ist und

Interview: Niklaus Meyer, GreenIT SIG

Während des Technology Outlook 2017 Events hatte der Präsident der Multimedia Fachgruppe, Fredy Schwyter, die Gelegenheit wahrgenommen, mit einer Reihe von Teilnehmern zu sprechen. Im folgenden Interview hören wir Niklaus Meyer, der Teilnehmer am Technology Outlook Event war und Leiter

Economy 2.0 Summer Edition

Technology Replaces Organizations

Everyone has heard about platform economy and its branch, sharing economy. But what does it imply for an existing company? How do blockchains get into the picture? What should management boards care about? What is the challenge for legislators? Why

Jetzt auf Vimeo: Ursula Muench Spricht auf der Tagung – Technology Outlook 2017

Die Digitalisierung erweitert zwar die Möglichkeiten zur politischen Partizipation, zugleich werden jedoch Gewährleistungen der Demokratie, die wir bislang für wichtig erachtet haben, negativ beeinflusst. Was scheinbar wie eine Veränderung der bloßen Kommunikationsformen daherkommt, wirkt sich einschneidend auf die Demokratie aus.

A Global Platform for Short Form Writing

To support the creation of cultural assets it is necessary to provide spaces of dialogue and exchange. This is equally important for science and arts. An example of this is the post world war one era known as Viennese Modernity

Priska Altorfer Portrait

Ah, but you are the woman of Switzerland!

Even in 2017, IT remains a male-dominated world. Meeting with Priska Altorfer, Member of the Board of Directors of the Swiss IT Society, to discuss the place of women in the industry Priska Altorfer Member of the Board of Directors,

Economy 2.0 Summer Edition

Identity in Cyberspace

I have a colleague – and this not me myself – who has recently become victim of several identity thefts in a row. The goal of the thefts was to severely damage his life and to get into his footsteps,

More Surveillance; Fewer Basic Rights

Practically simultaneously, the online editions of Zeit and Spiegel publish articles against the German government’s surveillance mania. Kai Biermann headlines his commentary A rotten game with people’s fear. He describes how the German government and the secret services exploit the

Aet Rahe Interview

Interview with Aet Rahe: “Digital Transformation in Estonia”

Estonia is a sparsely populated country. When the small country in Northeast Europe restored its independence in 1991, it had no physical infrastructure to serve its own citizens in the small villages. With the development of the web all stakeholders

Privacy Security Image

ICT-Support – Besser Zusammen

Jahrzehntelang mussten mangels echter Alternativen die Business-Prozess-/Anforderungen abgebildet werden mit lokalen ICT-Support-Prozessen und auch bis dato funktionierenden und stets als robustes “Rückgrat” fungierenden “best practices” basierten System-Management-Umgebungen. Wie bei der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung und in Zukunftsthemen wie «Künstliche Intelligenz», IoT und

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Um was geht es bei E-CONOMY?

The specialist group E-CONOMY deals with the effects of the rapid digitalization of our society on our economy and the current and future participants. Our society has already mastered revolutions through machines, electricity and computers in the best possible way.

Economy 2.0 Winter Image

Big Data ≧ Data +++++

Big Data ≧ Data + Questions + Algorithmic Knowledge + Commitment + Collaboration. Many big data activities fail to establish the necessary preconditions for success. In science the main challenges are the access to data and the collaboration across disciplines. For

Blogroll: Upside of Disruption

Today, it is important for all of us to see not just the dots,but the processes that connects to form the basis of our society. The forum is set put to help others join together online and seize the upside

Privacy Security Sommer

ICT-Support – better together

For decades, due to a lack of real alternatives, business process/requirements had to be mapped with local ICT support processes and also “best practices” based system management environments that have functioned to date and always acted as a robust “backbone”.

Image Security by Design

Security by Design

Almost 90% of successful cyber attacks start with phishing attacks / social engineering e.g. via email and the malware activated and spread via this e.g. ransomware, encryption Trojans, spyware. -> With now easily controllable and automated cloud services such as Office365,

Artist Art Clay viewer AR Artwork

Multimedia News : The reality behind “Virtual Switzerland”

The Reality Behind “Virtual Switzerland” To the question: “What is special about an artist who makes digital art?” probably only a few insiders would know a fitting answer. In order to find a meaningful answer to this question, I accompanied

Privacy & Security

«Digitalization is eating the world and our life – Wir müssen uns abfinden und arrangieren mit „analysierten“ Umgebungen – aber möglichst unsere Rechte auf Privacy, Anonymity, Mitgestaltung und Datenhoheit / Datennutzung und der informationellen Selbstbestimmung bewahren.»   Der Umstand der

Aufklärung 4.0

WARNHINWEIS: Lesen Sie diesen provokativen Artikel NICHT vor dem 31.12. Erst im neuen Jahr. Er hilft GUTE VORSÄTZE zu entwickeln – VERDIRBT aber jede Weihnachtsstimmung! Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Digitalisierungs-Wahn und der digitalen Gesellschaft in Zukunft im mehrfach international ausgezeichneten

Digital Single Market – Fiction or Vision?

ABSTRACT: The European Union heads for the establishment of a digital single market among its members. This article discusses whether Switzerland should ignore this or look for possibilities that will allow Swiss companies and Swiss citizens to participate in this

Image It and Culture

Introducing the Digital Arts SI Special Interest Group

The Digital Arts Special Interest Group focuses on the application of digital technology in the arts and offers insight into current research and innovations in art and technology as well as illustrating resulting synergies during its events, making artists aware

On Science On Art On Society, A Review

Book Review If the world is to achieve ecological, political and economic sustainability, it is essential to establish a “sustainabity culture.” The urgent need to generate transdisciplinary means to safeguard and facilitate contemporary human creation is a fundamental notion of

The Digital Art Weeks : A Decade of Accomplishment

INTRODUCTION Zurich and Basel Switzerland, Xian, Shanghai and Bejing China, Vancouver Island, Canada, Singapore, Singapore and Seoul, South Korea are the places in which the Digital Art Weeks Internaional have take place over the past nine years. Each of these

SI Logo

The Swiss Informatics Society SI is the association of Informatics professionals in Switzerland.

Die Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft SI ist der Verband der Informatikfachleute in der Schweiz.

La Société Suisse d’Informatique SI est l’association des professionnels de l’informatique en Suisse.

La Società Svizzera di Informatica SI è l’associazione dei professionisti dell’informatica in Svizzera.